viernes, 6 de julio de 2012

Dental Tourism in Costa Rica

Dental tourism in Costa Rica is possibly one of the greatest success stories of all time.  Not just because the industry has grown so big so fast, but because of all the other success stories tied to it.  Literally thousands of people each month travel to Costa Rica to complete their dental work. 
And almost everyone return home happy after traveling there to do so.  Granted, it’s not always the day at the beach many marketers portray dental tourism in Costa Rica to be, but it’s very rare to hear a nightmare story.   Apparently the dentists are all they are rapped-up to be…good, and affordable!!!
Where do most people hear about dental tourism in Costa Rica?  The truth is that it is a mixed bag.  Friends and relatives are often the source and let the dental cat out of the bag, but there are other sources as well.  News reports, international travel magazines, travel agents, and print media are a few others. 
And of course, we can’t forget the internet.  Google, Bing and Yahoo have likely pointed more people to dental tourism in Costa Rica than all other sources combined.  No one knows the real numbers, but my nearly 6 month stent as a Patient Coordinator with a well known dental clinic in Costa Rica proved to me that search engines are busy propping up the dental tourism industry and Costa Rica as a destination.
Where else can someone go if they want to place themselves in the world of dental tourism?  There’s Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, Nicaragua, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Hungary and a few others around the globe.  But truth be told, none have had the success or are seeing the increases in year over year visitors that Costa Rican dentists enjoy.   Decisions to travel to a certain destination are usually based on cost, proximity, language and familiarity with the culture of the proposed destination. 
And while not many U.S. citizens know about the Costa Rican culture (Tico culture), they know that the country is nearby, that Spanish is about as close to English one can come when talking foreign languages, and they are a peace loving nation which to date has been a target of terrorists!  And not many of its competitors can claim the same.  And those dental tourism competitors that can make the claim falter on other important fronts such as proximity to home.  So it seems like dental tourism is going to continue to grow and become more popular, not at the expense of other destinations, but to their benefit.  Why?  It benefits the other dental tourism destinations which can’t keep the dental tourism industry in the news and on the radar screen.
So while Nicaragua is not on many people’s list of serious consideration when they are thinking about dental tourism, in the future it may be.  And it will be thanks in large part to the Costa Rica dentists and the dental tourism they made so popular over several decades. 
And India and the other possible dental tourism destinations benefit as well.  Even if it is just a driving force that alerts people in such countries as Japan, people unlikely to travel half way around the world for dental care, that they do have SOME options available near their country.  Thailand and Vietnam specifically stand to benefit from Japan’s overpriced dental market.  And with a population of more than 100,000,000, this could make the dentists in those dental tourism markets very, very happy!
As for we Americans, we are sitting pretty.  While we likely will not benefit to ant degree by the new healthcare laws, at least we have Costa Rica right down the road, well almost right down the road.  And we know when we arrive, that there were hundreds of thousands who travelled the same road before us, took care of their dental problems, lived to tell their tales, and are happy for their experience! 
And as long as the health and dental care industries continue to degenerate in the United States, Costa Rica will remain a viable dental tourism marketplace for the rich, poor, insured and uninsured alike, and will continue to lead the pack of its dental tourism competitors.
If you are looking for affordable, quality dental care, these specialists can help you find the clinic and practitioners that will best suit your needs and preferences. If you are looking for other contacts you may want to try or ; both seem to be moving up quickly in the search ranking which means they are heading in the right direction – likely a result of good business practices.

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miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012

Estetica Costa Rica

Las Varices un problema estético 

Un problema estético que afecta a muchas mujeres llegada una determinada edad son las varices. Una de cada dos personas de 50 años las sufren y cada vez aparecen a edades más tempranas.

Una predisposición genética unida a unos hábitos de vida poco saludables son los factores determinantes en la aparición de las varices. 

Todo el mundo reconoce las varices hasta que las ve: una maraña de antiestéticas venas de color azulado que sobresalen sobre la piel. Y es que, las varices son, principalmente, un problema de belleza porque, normalmente, no son dolorosas ni causan complicaciones.

Pero ¿qué son realmente? Las varices son unas dilataciones de las venas que se manifiestan en las piernas, aunque también pueden aparecer en otras partes del cuerpo como el esófago, el ano o los testículos.
Las venas se inflaman y se hinchan por una alteración en la circulación sanguínea que se produce cuando las válvulas venosas no funcionan correctamente y no se produce un retorno venoso adecuado. 

El resultado son unos acúmulos sanguíneos en las venas en forma de tortuosos bultos de color azulado o morado. 

Normalmente, no son dolorosas y no suelen provocar complicaciones aunque la edad suele aumentar el riesgo de sufrir alteraciones por lo que se recomienda el seguimiento por un profesional.

Varices bajo control

El riesgo de padecer varices se atribuye a factores como el sobrepeso, la obesidad y el sedentarismo.
Además, hábitos tan comunes como cruzar las piernas, pasar largos periodos de tiempo de pie o llevar ropa muy ajustada también contribuyen a la aparición de las temidas varices. 

Existen causas inevitables como una predisposición genética, el género (las mujeres sufren más varices que los hombres) y la edad (a partir de los 50 años de edad 1 de cada 2 personas las sufren). 

Unos buenos hábitos de vida son fundamentales para retrasar y controlar la aparición de las varices. 

Por este motivo, se recomienda realizar ejercicio, cuidar la alimentación y mantener un peso adecuado. En definitiva, llevar un estilo de vida saludable.

Actualmente, se está avanzando muy deprisa en el desarrollo de tratamientos para eliminar las varices alternativos a la cirugía. Muchas de estas terapias son rápidas, indoloras y no precisan de un largo periodo de recuperación.

Dr. Miguel Alfaro

Studies at the University of Ann Arbor, Michigan; University of Denver, Colorado; University of Columbia, Missouri; and University of Costa Rica, have provided Dr. Miguel Alfaro the knowledge to be a worldwide renown plastic surgeon.  In his role as a professor at the Medical School of the University of Costa Rica.

 Read more at: plastic surgery in costa rica

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012

Spa Costa Rica

¡Una Experiencia Diferente!  

con cualquiera de nuestros tratamietos médico-estéticos y estéticos en la Clínica Estética Costa Rica - Med Spa Delicatè, y con una gran diversidad de servicios

Lipoescultura sin Cirugía
Tratamientos faciales
Tratamientos corporales
Peeling químico sin enrojecimiento, ni descamación
Cirugía Plástica
Apoyados con aparatología de última generación
Cavistar Advance II Starbene
Derma Deep RF
StarLux 300 Palomar Medical IPL
Med Spa Delicatè, spa médico dirigido por la Dra. Mónica Alfaro E.  Aquí encontratrá un ambiente tranquilo, seguro y discreto, mientras nuestros tratamientos le ayudarán a sentirse mejor y renovar esos detalles para un bienestar integral.

domingo, 29 de enero de 2012


Med Spa Delicate-Clínca Estética Costa Rica- Spa Medico-Medical Spa
¡Una Experiencia Diferente! con cualquiera de nuestros tratamietos médico-estéticos y estéticos en la Clínica Estética Costa Rica - Med Spa Delicatè, y con una gran diversidad de servicios

Lipoescultura sin Cirugía
Tratamientos faciales
Tratamientos corporales
Peeling químico sin enrojecimiento, ni descamación
Cirugía Plástica
Apoyados con aparatología de última generación
Cavistar Advance II Starbene
Derma Deep RF
StarLux 300 Palomar Medical IPL

Med Spa Delicatè, spa médico dirigido por la Dra. Mónica Alfaro E. Aquí encontratrá un ambiente tranquilo, seguro y discreto, mientras nuestros tratamientos le ayudarán a sentirse mejor y renovar esos detalles para un bienestar integral.