lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011

SPA Costa Rica

Dr. Miguel Alfaro

Dr miguel alfaro costa rica plastic surgeonStudies at the University of Ann Arbor, Michigan; University of Denver, Colorado; University of Columbia, Missouri; and University of Costa Rica, have provided Dr. Miguel Alfaro the knowledge to be a worldwide renown plastic surgeon.  In his role as a professor at the Medical School of the University of Costa Rica, the University of Toronto, and the University of Melbourne, Dr. Alfaro has been up to date with the latest medical procedures.
Dr. Miguel Alfaro is member of the prestigious Oncological Society, the Mastology Society, the International Plastic Surgery Society, the International College of Surgeons, the International Society for Burn Injuries, and the Ibero-Latinoamerican Society for Plastic Surgery.   In addition to having been president of the Costa Rican Plastic Surgery Society, he has been a member of the Scientific Bioethical Committee, the Costa Rican College of Surgeons and the Mal Practice Committee of the same college.   
Dr. Alfaro is former Chairman of the Department of Surgery at the National Hospital San Juan de Dios, in Costa Rica, which is a university teaching hospital with 400 adult beds.  He also was, during 20 years, Chief of the Plastic Surgery Service and Chief of the Burn Unit at the National Hospital San Juan de Dios. 
Dr. Alfaro performs of his surgery at CIMA San Jose Hospital, this is the largest, newest and most modern, state-of-the-art private hospital in Costa Rica.
After you leave the hospital, your post surgical recovery time will be spent in one of many pleasant hotels in San José or in a recovery house.
• (506) 8821 8342 - (506) 2268 0412  Call USA 323 952-7679 •  305 848-5725 •
 Plastic Surgery • San José, Costa Rica  
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miércoles, 17 de agosto de 2011


Aunque sea una de las rutinas más olvidadas, la correcta limpieza facial es un pilar fundamental en el cuidado y protección de la piel. Convertir esta acción en un hábito diario, seleccionar los cosméticos adecuados a las necesidades de nuestra dermis y aprender el mejor modo de aplicación, pueden ayudarte a sacar partido a tu rostro.

Hoy en día los factores ambientales (contaminación, mala alimentación, estrés, etc.) contribuyen de manera significativa en la salud de nuestro organismo, viéndose reflejados principalmente en nuestro rostro. Es por eso, que debemos tener una rutina de belleza facial que nos permita contrarrestar dichos factores.

Para empezar, es importante saber que debemos tener una limpieza facial, la cual nos va a permitir tener una piel sana, radiante e hidratada.

Son muchas las personas que acuden a la estética para realizarse una limpieza profunda “nosotros recomendamos que la gente se realice una limpieza que consiste en exfoliar la piel y sacar todas las impurezas así como hidratar”.

Usted puede tener más información en:

Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery buttock augmentation (gluteoplasty) seeks to raise or increase the volume of the buttocks. In today's society have a bulky buttocks round is a symbol of beauty and youth.

This plastic surgery can be performed both in men as in women, although it is sought mainly by women consider that your buttocks are sagging, or too small and looking to enhance their figure.

There are two ways to increase the buttocks with plastic surgery, one is using fat grafts (taken previously from other parts of the body), and the other is through placement of implants in the buttocks (similar to those used in surgery breast augmentation plastic).

As with any plastic surgery, a gluteoplasty there are risks and complications, but occur in exceptional cases to consider. between them we asymmetry, infection or swelling, depending on the method used, injected volume loss in the first case, and capsular contracture or rupture implant for the second.

You can read more articles about plastic surgery costa rica at: